Why join the Old Portlians cycling club?

  • Ride with like-minded people
  • Become a fitter, faster, stronger cyclist
  • Lose weight (NB There is no guarantee that you will lose weight cycling – but it helps!)
  • Learn how to ride safely in a group – you’ll go quicker!
  • Explore beautiful scenery, discover new routes, places and cafes!
  • Develop new skills
  • Try different forms of cycling e.g. track, gravel, time trials, crits, racing, sportives, audax, Zwift
  • Meet new people and make new friends
  • Learn how to maintain your bicycle and get advice and guidance on all things cycling
  • Enter competitions and win trophies
  • Annual dinner and prize-giving party
  • Regular social get-togethers, e.g. curry nights
  • Join the committee and help run and shape your club
  • And only £20 per year! (£10 in the first year if you join after 1 July). Family membership is £25 per year. Social membership is £10 per year. (Social membership is for 2nd claim riders, or members who don’t wish to cycle, or are unable to cycle).

How to join?

There are two ways to join:

  1. Try before you join. Turn up on one of our Saturday or Sunday rides – send us a message first - tag along and see what you think. You can ride with us a maximum of 3 times while you decide. If you like it and you can keep the pace, join up and ride with us whenever you fancy.
  2. Join up online by completing the below form, turn up and ride! 
Senior Membership  £20 per year Download membership form 
Family Membership  £25 per year
Junior/Second Claim (Social membership)  £10 per year

Just fill in the appropriate form and email it to us

When your online application form is completed, membership fees should be paid via bank transfer: 

Barclays Bank
Account name: Old Portlians Cycling Club
Sort Code: 20-12-26
Account No.:33820947

Please ensure that you reference your name in the transfer and inform us about the transfer

Welcome to the Club!